the grassroot level on case management in child protection

Although the LCA, conducted trainings on child protection, there is need to create awareness and build capacities at the grassroot level on case management in child protection especially when it comes to Gender Based Violence (GBV) as it is on the high in communities within which the LCA is working.
168 children were rescued from the streets during JAP II but there is still the need to rescue and resettle more children as the number of street children keeps rising day by day witch many head to the street as a means of survival. The LCA plans on resuing and resetting 500 street children from the streets of Kampala and support them at the receiving centers as it was discovered that although they are taken to homes, these homes need more support with items like; food for the children when they get there and also psychosocial support.
The child protection outcomes demonstrated remarkable success, achieving 174% of set targets. the project significantly contributed to creating a safe and nurturing environment for children in need of care.